You and I have a tough row to hoe.
This beautiful planet of ours is shouldering the burden of humanity’s cumulative large-scale blunders, beginning with the chemical-and-fossil-fuelled industrial revolution, and shudders in perpetual instability. Our conscience implores us to act, yet the need is so overwhelming we’re paralyzed in the face of it. If you, like me, are also navigating your way through a life-threatening illness, the overall equation seems staggering – incomprehensible. Where to start?
If we look at the long-term picture, we each have to start with our own little “planet” – our body. The way I see it, we can’t be agents of change, in small ways or large, if we’re not around, can we? So the first order of business is to survive, if we can. And if we can’t, to make sure we leave a legacy of hope and wisdom in every conceivable way we're able.
Serious illness has so much to teach you and I; we can look forward to being in a position to offer a deeper wisdom after emerging from this crucible. As we’re transformed,, so we can change the world we live in. With clear and courageous intent (no matter how seemingly small the issue at hand), it doesn’t take long to leave an indelible imprint that will continue to ripple through time. All it takes is action.
This journal is one such small, hopeful action. When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in early July of 2010, I surfed about endlessly on the web for a time, researching the illness and seeking out every kind of wisdom that might shine some light on this shadowy path. I found lots of valuable information, but none that addressed some of the pressing questions of my own heart and soul. Although used to being the odd one out in most respects throughout my life, I thought I couldn’t possibly be alone in my particular concerns. I decided that if I could, by experience, come to some understanding of these issues, I would share what I had realized with others. I have a personal rule of thumb I follow (most of the time) in my song writing: If I can find someone who is saying what I feel needs to be said, in a way I think most of us can understand, I leave it alone and move on to something new. If not, I try and fill the need. I’ll do my best to follow the same rule here.
There are some great resources on the web that address the logistical issues around dealing with cancer and other serious illness, and a large number of good medical sites for research. There are also countless blogs describing the personal experiences of people who are traveling the path – some more valuable than others. These are all easy to find through simple Google searches, so rather than spend time listing them for you, I’d like our conversation to focus on the INNER resources you and I (and all human beings) possess; the ones we most need at a time like this.. At some point in our illness, if we’re to learn, grow, and on some level, survive it, we have to turn inward. For most of us, that can be like sailing under a midnight sky with no stars to navigate by. Intuition, faith, hope, and courage are our best guides. It's terrifying at first but remember: it’s your little planet… you are the one with the map. It’s in there – I promise - and it's glorious.
So here, in the spirit of a journal (i.e. a stream-of-consciousness offering, with my editor-self turned off - I mean, how else will we ever have a conversation?!) are the thoughts I hope are worth sharing.
With love,